Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I finally have my A to Z Idea!!!

So I finally know what I'm going to do for the A to Z challenge! Now the question is should I tell you? Or should I let it be a bit of a surprise... hmmmm Okay, I'll just tell you my title for the entire month...

THE ALPHABET LETTERS!   Doesn't that sound fascinating?

Well, to be honest, I may just be writing these 26 entries for me..I'm pretty sure those that I'm writing to probably don't read my blog.

You see, I owe letters to many people in my life. Letters asking forgiveness, thank you letters, "Just wanted you to know" letters, love letters, encouraging letters... letters that I should have written years ago, but never got around to it. I think if I think hard enough, every letter of the alphabet will be well represented by these old friends and acquaintances.

So, that's it. I've spoiled the surprise. but feel free to come back and see what direction these epistles take... I'm looking forward to finding that out as well!