Monday, February 14, 2011

To The Two I Didn't Get To Hold:

Why do I think of you on Valentine's Day?

I guess it's because it's a day that I realize anew how much I love my family; my sweetie (Your Daddy) and the three lovelies that actually made it into this world.... and I miss you. 

I missed your first smile and your first tooth. I never got to hear your giggle or the high pitched squeal during a tickle battle. I couldn't answer your sweet wonderful questions that all three year olds ask.

I didn't get to give you a little valentine heart filled with candy or hang up a "first Christmas" ornament on our tree. I missed your sweet sixteens.

You would have loved being part of this family. And I would have loved having two more strapping boys here to love on, but it was not to be. Instead, you were there in heaven, meeting your Grandma when she left this earth. Somehow that brought me comfort during that sad time.

And one day, we will meet. I'm sure of it. Will you be my blue eyed children? Will you be taller than your Dad? I know I'll recognize your smile. Maybe we can sit and talk about what it was like growing up in heaven.  Until then...

I love you both. Happy Valentines Day.


1 comment:

Sheila Siler said...

Oh sweet Linda. I remember those tears with you. I'm so sorry.