Wednesday, December 1, 2010

November Novel Writing is finished!

In case anyone was wondering where I've been for the last month, I thought I'd blog a short explanation. I've been exploring the possibility of time travel! Yep, found a manual and read through the rules and suggestions for a good and safe trip, and it sounds exhilarating. Where did I find this manual, you ask? It was inside my brain all along. Couldn't believe it when it showed up in my novel.

Okay, Here's the deal. I signed up to write a 50,000 word novel during the 30 days of November. I started out the first two days or so writing a story about a woman who was newly separated from her husband and trying to figure out what went wrong.  After two days, I decided that this character and story was WAY too depressing to hang around with all month, so I started over.

What was interesting with this new story is I just started writing and the ideas never stopped! I'm still not finished with it yet, but I think I know the ending and I think within a few months I might actually have something that I will be brave enough to share with all (7) of you! :)

Write on!



Anonymous said...

I like the part with the dolphins that fly and shoot lasers out of their eyes but then I've always liked nature stories.

Sheila Siler said...

Cool beans! And by then, you'll have more than 7 followers! Thanks for getting me into this.

Anonymous said...

can't wait to read it!!! - Kenda

kcapps said...

ahhh, time travel....what a wonderful trip to join you on! Should be interesting to say the least! :] Can't wait to read where it takes you...